Thought for the day

Life is so ironic, it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence. Everything has a lesson for us to learn. So stay open and say #yes to it all and then let go!

-Make your mark

New week thought 

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”


-Theodore Roosevelt 

Remember when you were at school and the summer holidays came.  You couldn’t wait for them and then in a flash they were over and it was back to school. 

Well,  life has a way of passing you by faster than any vacation. You have to grab it while you still have a chance, and remember, any day that the good lord gives you is a chance. 

What makes you feel alive? Get out there and work towards it! Enough living in the “gray twilight”

Now,  go make your mark. 

I wish I was a dragonfly 

I wish I was a dragonfly,
Blue in the shimmering sun
Settling on the tropical palms,
When my breeze guided journey was done.

The tips of my wings would softly skim
The water of the pool,
A microscopic dragon in flight
My eyes, two kaleidoscope jewels.

My family would have existed for three million years,
Or more,
But I shall glide for just six weeks,
Enough time to see, what’s worth flying for.
Don’t know who wrote this but I thought I’d share, 

Any thoughts,  please share 

Daily inspiration

When you were a kid you probably dreamt about this loads, but then you hit a certain age when all those dreams disappear.

Could it be that you’ve hit that age when you think you can no longer become what you dreamt of?

Was there a point in time that zapped your chance to change?

When I used to get asked what I wanted to be when I “grew up,” my answer was not one of the classics. The choices of teacher or doctor just never appealed to me. When I looked at all the things I could become, my choice was simple:

I said I wanted to be a Super Hero.

Most people said I was crazy or unrealistic. Even though I kept it quiet, I never lost sight of this dream.
Why a Super Hero and not an accountant?

When you’re a Super Hero, you have the best life. You get to spend your time developing your special gifts, you get to hang out with other Super Heroes and your sole purpose is to use your powers for good to save and inspire others against evil. The really cool clothes and strong body are just icing on the cake.
You have more super power than you think.

You just need to believe it.

Make your mark