Thought for the day

Life is so ironic, it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence. Everything has a lesson for us to learn. So stay open and say #yes to it all and then let go!

-Make your mark

Go to bed tired

There is no other way a man should lay his head down at night than being completely exhausted from all thats  been done during the day.

 Go to bed having nothing left in the tank, barely making it up the stairs to your room.

 To live a successful life is to live a life of daily discipline and action.

 Most of us fall short of this. We see how much time we have, so we put things off and before we know it we’re in our eighties and we’re laying our head down one final time with far too much in the tank.

 So take action on those things your soul begs you to pursue. But DO IT NOW!

 Waiting is what everyone else does. Don’t do it.

Happy Christmas Everyone

The red and green decorations are out …

the turkey’s roasting in the oven …

nostalgic tunes fill the airways and the kids are anxiously awaiting Santa….


If you’re anything like me, you struggle to take time out over the break for YOU!

But you should …

It’s a time for rest, delicious food, and creating memories with those you love.

So make sure you take time to laugh, be silly, get caught up in fun just because it’s fun…

For me it means dressing up in silly costumes and watching the awe and innocence of my nieces & nephews as they leave out the cookies and milk for Santa … peering into the sky with childlike wonder, hoping to catch a peek of this amazing man

It means making one giant bed out of all of our duvets and pillows and snuggling down with them to watch Christmas movies we’ve all seen fifty times before.

It means constructing your own dessert from whatever you like and having dessert after breakfast, lunch and dinner IF you choose to

Just be present in the moment 🙂

Here are 8 more things you should make an effort to give out as often as you can this holiday season:
A Listen
A Hug
A Handhold
A High-Five
A Compliment
A Favor
A Smile
A Thank You

Unfortunately, holidays only happen over a few specific days of the year.
Then it’s back to the grind we call life and the behaviors we had before all the gifts and cheer.
Treat every day like a holiday and continue to give these gifts freely
Although the gifts above don’t cost any money, they do require initial effort to become habit.

Use the holidays to give a hug, and a thank you.

Merry Christmas