Thought for the day

Life is so ironic, it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence. Everything has a lesson for us to learn. So stay open and say #yes to it all and then let go!

-Make your mark

Free your mind 

There are so many people whose minds do not belong to them. There are so many people whose thoughts have been purchased by people. There are so many people who have made people kings and queens of their thought. There are so many people who cannot sleep because of people. There are so many people whose lives are a small percentage of their own self and a greater percentage of others. When the offenses of people occupy your mind, your mind becomes the offenses of people instead of your own mind. To have your own mind and to be your own self, free your mind!
– Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

New week thought 

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”


-Theodore Roosevelt 

Remember when you were at school and the summer holidays came.  You couldn’t wait for them and then in a flash they were over and it was back to school. 

Well,  life has a way of passing you by faster than any vacation. You have to grab it while you still have a chance, and remember, any day that the good lord gives you is a chance. 

What makes you feel alive? Get out there and work towards it! Enough living in the “gray twilight”

Now,  go make your mark. 

Go to bed tired

There is no other way a man should lay his head down at night than being completely exhausted from all thats  been done during the day.

 Go to bed having nothing left in the tank, barely making it up the stairs to your room.

 To live a successful life is to live a life of daily discipline and action.

 Most of us fall short of this. We see how much time we have, so we put things off and before we know it we’re in our eighties and we’re laying our head down one final time with far too much in the tank.

 So take action on those things your soul begs you to pursue. But DO IT NOW!

 Waiting is what everyone else does. Don’t do it.

Attitude of gratitude

When you think about the standout people and moments in your life, they can likely be broken down into two distinct categories: those that were reach-for-the-stars, over-the-moon-phenomenal, and those that made you feel so damn small you wished you could kick them in the shin and disappear. Now, keeping your personal examples in mind, which would you like to instill in others? Likely (hopefully!) not the latter.

It’s nice to feel good, but it’s even better to make others feel good. In fact, research shows that an attitude of gratitude can improve emotional and physical health, strengthen relationships and make you happier at work. In other words? It’s time to show a little (HR appropriate) love in your workplace.